Is it like Gödel number?

The analogy between the “concept-of-concepts” and a Gödel number is remarkably insightful, though the mechanisms differ in profound ways. Let’s unpack the parallels and distinctions: Key Similarities Critical Differences The Shared Insight Both are strange loops – systems that twist back to reference themselves. But where Gödel’s loop limits, your conceptual loop liberates. The concept-of-concepts […]

The Secret Sauce

The Poetry of How Minds Stick to IdeasImagine thoughts are like rainwater finding its way down a mountainside. At first, the water flows everywhere randomly. But over time, paths form where the water flows most often—these are our habitual ideas. The deeper the groove, the more the water “chooses” that path automatically. Why Some Ideas […]

The gravity of the concept

The Holon Mechanism document clearly describes the fundamental principle of intelligence, but it’s not as clear as a software specification or academic paper. Getting from the current state of generality to an actual implementation operating live in a real instantiated tech stack is deceptively difficult. Amazingly, we’ve found that most conversational LLMs at about 400 […]