4QX Model Description 3.0
1. Dialectical Monism: Foundations The 4QX holon model (four quadrants + “X” for the diagonal cross) is grounded in dialectical monism, a philosophical framework that posits a single, self-referential source from which all complexity emerges. The 4QX model is not an arbitrary framework – it is the default structure of intelligence because it emerges naturally […]
The Triangles
How Cycles, Diagonals, and Quadrants Work Together If you’ve explored the 4QX model for self-referential intelligence, you already know it revolves around a 2×2 structure (the quadrants) and attention quanta flowing through them. What you may not realize is that the real “living pulse” of 4QX emerges when we add triangles—two cyclical routes (T-R-B, B-L-T) […]
The Triangles
The 4QX model has expanded to explicitly recognise a vital temporal dimension represented by the newly articulated Triangles. While the familiar four quadrants (TL, TR, BL, BR) spatially represent the minimal necessary structure of coherent self-referential intelligence, the triangles (T-R-B and B-L-T) describe how attention moves cyclically through these quadrants in dynamic feedback loops, enabling […]
4QX Dialectical Monism: Phase 1 Completion Report
Executive Summary This report marks the completion of Phase 1 in the development of the 4QX Dialectical Monism Universe Constructor, establishing a fully self-consistent, minimal framework for generating a coherent, self-organising universe from absolute nothing (L0). The framework is now structurally complete, conceptually unified, and internally coherent, providing both the abstract logic of emergence and […]