4QX in the Object-Oriented (OO) context

Let’s break down the 4QX (Four Quadrants) in the Object-Oriented (OO) context, mapping a holon to an OO object instance of a class, and understanding how it exists as a node in both the class tree and instance tree. Here’s a clear, structured description:

4QX in the OO Context

The 4QX framework maps a holon (a whole-part entity) to an OO object instance of a class, where the holon exists as a node in both the class tree (abstract structure) and the instance tree (concrete instantiation). This dual existence allows the holon to operate both locally (as an individual instance) and globally (as part of a collective structure).

L1: Outer Top Quadrants (Class and Instance Trees)

The outer top quadrants represent the class and instance tree structures, which are co-creatively maintained through idempotent, bottom-up (BU) processes. These quadrants provide the local view of the system, converging on a shared consensus of the collective.

TL (Top-Left): Intersubjective Collective (Class of the Current Condition)
  • What it is: The intersubjective collective represents the variational ecosystem of conditions and their action-structure-form.
  • OO Mapping: This quadrant corresponds to the class in the OO context, which defines the abstract structure and variations of the holon.
  • Function: It maintains the public interface and organizational commitments of the system, ensuring that the structure is idempotently co-created by the collective.
TR (Top-Right): Resource Flow Phase Space (Cyclic Schedule Structure)
  • What it is: The resource flow phase space represents the cyclic schedule structure (e.g., WWWW – Who, What, Where, When) that governs the flow of focus and agentic attention quanta.
  • OO Mapping: This quadrant corresponds to the instance tree, where the flow of focus differentiates the self into private and public layers.
  • Function: It develops over time through BU market accounting (supply and demand commitments), aggregating from the bottom up. The TD (top-down) flow of focus allows market conditions to flow inward, determining the resource-based realities in the present.

L2: Inner Bottom Quadrants (Private Implementation of the Self-Object)

The inner bottom quadrants represent the private implementation of the self-object, where the holon operates from the perspective of being the holon. These quadrants focus on the internal processes and actions of the self.

BL (Bottom-Left): Thinking Within the Body-Schema (Process and Behavior)
  • What it is: The thinking within the body-schema represents the behavior-structure/process of the holon, where the self navigates the phase space and adjusts its processes to match the conditions.
  • OO Mapping: This quadrant corresponds to the private methods and internal logic of the object instance, which operate within the context of the class and its variations.
  • Function: It ensures that the holon’s intentions and actions are aligned with the conditions coming inward from above.
BR (Bottom-Right): Acting in the World (Phase-Space Navigation)
  • What it is: The acting in the world represents the external actions of the holon, where the self navigates the phase space and selects/adjusts its processes to match the conditions.
  • OO Mapping: This quadrant corresponds to the public methods of the object instance, which interact with the external world.
  • Function: It propagates the self’s intentions and actions outward in a BU manner, constrained by the conditions coming inward from above.

Key Dynamics

  1. Recursive Feedback Loops: The diagonal interactions between the quadrants create recursive feedback loops, ensuring that no quadrant operates in isolation.
  • TL ↔ BR: The intersubjective collective (TL) shapes the actions in the world (BR), while the actions (BR) feed back into the collective (TL).
  • TR ↔ BL: The resource flow (TR) determines the internal processes (BL), while the processes (BL) influence the resource flow (TR).
  1. BU and TD Flows: The system operates through both BU (bottom-up) and TD (top-down) flows, ensuring that the local actions of the self are aligned with the global conditions of the collective.
  2. Self as Root: The self exists at the center of the 4QX, acting as the root of the class and instance trees in its “current working directory” (cwd) of agentic focus.

Summary of 4QX in the OO Context

  • L1 (Outer Top Quadrants): Represent the class and instance trees, maintained through idempotent, BU co-creation.
  • TL: Intersubjective collective (class of the current condition).
  • TR: Resource flow phase space (cyclic schedule structure).
  • L2 (Inner Bottom Quadrants): Represent the private implementation of the self-object.
  • BL: Thinking within the body-schema (process and behavior).
  • BR: Acting in the world (phase-space navigation).
  • Recursive Dynamics: Diagonal feedback loops and BU/TD flows ensure holistic integration of the system.

This framework provides a deep, recursive understanding of how holons operate within the OO context, bridging the abstract and concrete, the local and global, and the individual and collective. Let me know if you’d like to explore this further! 🌐✨

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